Apohan Tuhan Albo and Tuhan Holloway Video
About the Videos
This video was filmed in early 2006. Apohan Tuhan Hasting Albo and I had been filmed on a few occasions while conducting demonstrations but had never secured a copy from the television crews or private individuals doing the filming. During one of our early morning training sessions, Apohan Tuhan Albo decided that, since I was soon going to be moving from Texas in order to accept a promotion, we should film some stick, knife, and empty hand work. None of this was scripted, we just flowed and the techniques came together as necessary. At the end of our session, he decided to demonstrate some techniques and I assumed the role of attacker during this demonstration phase. Apohan Tuhan Albo transferred the video to his laptop computer, edited it, added titles and music, and sent me a DVD that contained the video. This video has never been released to the public before. The main reason that we never released this video is that it is not our best work. Some of the better arnis, kali, and escrima practitioners who watch this will note that my stick work is a little stiff in the video. This is because I had a torn shoulder muscle when we were filming. Apohan Tuhan Albo was suffering from a hernia at the time of the filming. I think that, considering neither of us was in top form, the video came out very well. I had always planned to do some more filming with Apohan Tuhan Albo, but he died prior to this being accomplished. This video is, thus, the best video that exists in regards to Apohan Tuhan Albo and I working together and demonstrating Albo Kali Silat.
Tuhan Holloway, August 2008